V E T E R A N   H U B

The VeteranHub Vision

Our Vision

To make Tasmania a place where Veterans and their families can thrive.

To Strengthen our purpose of being the leading inclusive Tasmanian organisation supporting the wellbeing of Veterans' and their families, encompassing Ex-Service Organisation's, government, business and community.

Our Objectives

Our objectives which guide our service planning, ensuring that we remain focused on providing tangible and positive outcomes for the quality of life of Veterans' and their families:

  • A co-ordinated and collaborative approach to delivering services to Veterans and their families. A co-ordinated and collaborative approach to delivering services to Veterans and their families.
  • Improve the health, wellbeing, and quality of life of Veterans and their families.
  • Support Veterans and their families to achieve their goals and build meaningful lives.Support Veterans and their families to achieve their goals and build meaningful lives.
  • Deliver evidence-based care and support, tailored to individual needs of Veterans and their families.

VeteranHub Service Principles

To support our vision and objectives, we have formulated nine guiding principles:

Veteran and Family Participation

We actively include veterans and their families

Integrated Services

We focus on bringing Veterans and service providers together for a comprehensive response to Veteran and family needs

Veteran and Family Centric

We put Veterans and their families at the heart of what we do


We empower Veterans and their families to assess their needs and co-design their support solutions

Goals Based Services

We maintain a continuous multi-cycle approach where we evolve our services to meet changing needs of Veterans and their families


We have the capacity of our network of service providers to support solutions that maintain effectiveness over time

Efficient and Effective Service Delivery

We ensure decisions and actions reflect best practice and are designed to achieve optimal outcomes - cost effectively within the best possible timeframes

Action Learning

We respond to issues with a learning cycle of action which integrates theory and practice. We reflect, consult, develop and implement


We utilise technology to increase access and equity and to enhance the way services are delivered