V E T E R A N   H U B


Independent Research

Examining the Association Between Moral Injury and Suicidal Behavior in Military Populations: A Systematic Review.

Moral injury is a concept that has been proposed to better understand factors that can contribute to suicide among military and veteran populations.
Jamieson et al., 2023

Independent Research

Housing All Australians (HAA) Give Me Shelter - Leave NO Veteran Behind.

The long term economic costs of not housing veterans in need.
May 2023

University Research

Relationship Between Veterans and Gambling and Suicide

Prevalence of gambling problems, help-seeking, and relationships with trauma in veterans.
Metcalf et al., 2022

University Research

Tasmanian Study For Veterans And Families Hubs Program

Reintegration and reablement: increasing local connection and access for the Tasmanian veteran community. The Tasmanian veteran needs assessment and wellbeing support service feasibility report.
Stirling et al., 2021