
VeteranHub Training System
Invited highly qualified thought leaders may provide training in their Veteran related fields of expertise, via the VeteranHub training system. VeteranHub does not charge for providing this service and greatly values the participation of this elite team of advisors, academics and trainers.
Eligible parties are encouraged to register below for these training programs which are delivered over the secure VeteranHub platform, utilising end to end encryption to ensure confidentiality and security. Some courses have a cost attached to them, which is set by and entirely received by the training provider of that course, to support their further research and important work. Payments are accepted via a secure payment system by a variety of methods including PayPal and credit card. Accredited courses currently available or coming soon are listed below.
Courses Available
Moral Injury / Moral Trauma Assessment Training for Professionals
Dr Nikki Jamieson is a Suicidologist and Social Worker specialising in suicide prevention within military communities. Nikki has completed both PhD and Masters examining suicide. Her PhD explored moral injury indepth and the link to suicidal behaviour in military veteran communities.
- Moral Injury / Moral Trauma Identification
- Moral Injury / Moral Trauma Assessment
- Moral Injury / Moral Trauma Management
Moral Injury Tools - NJ-001
Dr Nikki Jamieson
MSuicidology : BSW (Hons) : Ph.D (c)
VeteranHub System Training for all VeteranHub Partners
Following registration via this website and notification of formal acceptance - team members of VeteranHub Partners who require system access are eligible and required to complete this training course. Participants will be trained to use the features and functions of the VeteranHub system to deliver services to and support Veterans and their Families.
- Basic Training to use the VeteranHub System
- Referring Veterans to VeteranHub VFVC Providers using VeteranHub System
- Accepting Referrals from VeteranHub System
VeteranHub System - VH-001
VeteranHub VFVC (Veteran Friendly Veteran Capable) Accreditation
Successful completion of this training course, by all client facing team members, is required before providers will be given referrals of Veterans and their Families by VeteranHub. Veteran Friendly means - willing to work with Veterans. Veteran Capable means - able to handle Veterans and Families and meet their unique needs by delivering meaningful and effective Services or Lifestyle Supports or Therapeutic Interventions or Medical Treatments. This accreditation is also required for providers to be paid for their services to Veterans and their Families by VeteranHub Not for Profit partners.
- Identifying Veterans and understanding their unique needs
- Engaging with Veterans appropriately
- Respecting the important needs of Veteran Families